Saturday, April 4, 2009

My very first blog

How exciting is this ... sort of. My first blog. I have to practice putting stuff up so that I don't have to ask darling wife or stupendously brilliant daughters. Technology often doesn't like me. As Lynne has mentioned we are about to run the long red horizon. my next problem to master will be the loading of photo's and maybe the odd video.
by all.
Hi all,
As we are planning a family trip for 3 months later this year in our bus 'Dancin' Down Under', I thought a blog may be a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. We are hoping to be able to keep everyone updated on our whereabouts and to post photos and a map. We are also hoping that Jess will have a blog of her own as a way of keeping an electronic diary and contact with her friends.

As we will almost certainly have limited download and power for computers(as we hope to free camp alot) we need to practise now.So any feed back will be much appreciated.

Love to all,
