Monday, January 25, 2010

Summer Break Dec 2009 - Jan 2010

Hi all! we have had a very busy summer break.
We spent a week down the coast at Corrimal with our family. This meant, as grandparents of two very active grandsons, running around a fair bit after them. We had agreat time but felt we needed a holiday afterwards.Oh ... thanks to a severe storm we lost our screen tent!!

But ... no rest for the wicked !! Next on the list was a trip to Geelong for Family Day at the Girl Guide International Jamboree. So we drove into the night and the next day to get there on time(the bus is not a fast traveller). Jessica had left a few days before on the train with the N.S.W contingent to camp for a week with 2500 girls and leaders from Australia and around the world.

After waiting a few days for Jess we again drove to camp to pick her up and head for a friend's property at Berwick ,S.E of Melbourne, for a few days to catch up.
Once finished there, we rushed home to finish organising George and Jessica's Cd's they'd been recording and purchase school essentials.

A few days after arriving home we left again. This time for Tamworth Country Music Festival. George and Jess have had a great time performing in Tamworth at different places and racked up about 12 spots in 6 days. They have sung and played at The Cricket Club, The Tudor Hotel, The Ritz Restaurant(Jazz), The Supper Club, and had a live radio interview with CAAMA(NT radio) in which Jess got to sing 2 songs.
Please CLICK ON LINK embedded in Title 'Summer Break' to see photos of their performances in Tamworth. or you can google ' Jessica Czender ' to watch her CAAMA radio interview

Well after all that I'm returning to work for a holiday ..???

Our love to all

Tamworth 2010

Hi all ,
Thought I would post this link of photos of George and Jessica performing at different venues at Tamworth Country Music Festival.
Please click on' Tamworth 2010' title to access photo album.
