Friday, July 17, 2009

Did you kill a cat??

"Did you kill a cat??" Dad asked George this morning.

"No! why?" George replied. Dad was knocked over by our present bad luck eating up our holiday savings and used this old saying.

Why you may ask?
Just this week we got our bus back - that's good news but cost a little more, as you may remember I had some concerns. One, the fridge, thank goodness. Had not been vented properly( in the bus that 'jack built') and had been cooking the cabinets when on gas. A fire waiting to happen!!

But wait that can't be all??
On Wednesday it all hit the fan. Both our cars undrivable. George had tyre and brake problems. Mine wouldn't start initially when trying to return home,then when nearly home I realised my temp gauge,which never moves,was very high. Radiator bubbled and steamed. When George got home he refilled it but on starting her up realised i had a cracked radiator. On going to mechanic was told the head gasket went at the same time. That's all up nearly $5000 in costs this week.

To top it off I have been unable to do anything as I have been sick and was finally told on Wednesday(what a wonderful day)that I had a lung infection and was to remain in bed. Back to dr today,am getting there but need more bed rest till next week. Great I have nothing to do. Yeah.

Oh well! The countdown is still on, Jess' show opens tonight and Life is still Good. And yes, I got Drs permission to go out to see Jessica's 1st performance tomorrow night with some conditions - life is definitely good!!
Look after yourselves everybody!!
Love Lynne

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