Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Days 67- 68 ( Mon 5/10- Tues 6/10)

Monday in Port Campbell was as usual over the last 2 weeks - sunny till 9am and then rain. Luckily most afternoons it has cleared. After the morning washing ritual we set off for the hinterland and Timboon to sample the home made ice-cream and distilled malt whisky and spirits. You can guess who sampled what!!
We then completed the tourist drive with views of the 12 Apostles, Gibsons steps and the Loch Ard Gorge circuit which included a Blow hole and Thunder Cave.Beautiful scenery! But that was the end of that as it began to rain.

Tuesday we left Port Campbell, where we would have chosen to stay longer if the weather was better as it was well positioned on the bank of a river inlet, and headed for the Otway Tree Fly. But it was 2007 all over again, then it was closed due to strong winds , today we decided it was raining way too much to pay$55 to do it. Oh well - next time!! We continued our drive down from the Otways and back to the coast in terrible weather down Turtons Track, a road newly opened and developed for tourists. A little way in I decided we shouldn't have been there, mountainous, twisty and narrow. To top it all off we had white road as it was sleeting/ snowing?? But as you can see by this post we - George - drove it safely with all cars moving over quickly on seeing us. Besides it was a 20k speed limit for all. George stated after,"it only said ,no coaches, no caravans." I said, " well don't you think we're a bit like that!!" His answer, "NO!"

Nothing but rain and temps between 8 and 15 degrees most days for last 2 and half weeks. We have done a bolt for better weather, headed to Murray River to catch up with some friends.So are enjoying 4 days(Thurs- Sun) camping on the Murray in a secluded camp spot with them.
Will have no more power on laptop till Monday. So will post again then.

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