Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday Night- Our Last Night

On our last night we were treated to a farewell dinner which the whole staff team, Mrs Kumar( the founder's wife), her son and daughter, some of the trustees, and Lisa attended. It was wonderful to end our visit celebrating as a whole team. We were all treated to a traditional Chinese banquet, with more than 11 different dishes. The meal was delicious and the company excellent. It was good to sit and have time to talk together.

To our surprise we were honoured by the presentation of plaques and a giant card made and signed by the children. I cried .... those of you who know me well will know I rarely do this so I need say no more about how moved I was !! In this state I was even pushed into a speech .... even rarer !! (in public)

We found it very hard to say goodbye to the children at The Home and our new found friends. It was an honour to work with such caring and giving people. We are looking forward to our future visits in the hope that their new skills will flourish and increase.

PS I sadly post this with no pictures as we didn't think to take our cameras to dinner with us.(Tracey did!) In our defence we returned to the Hotel after 6.30pm and had 15 minutes to shower and dress. I'm sure the doormen wondered some nights as we rushed in and out their door, given 10/15minutes to change and a 5th floor address !!

Posted by Lynne

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