Saturday, August 23, 2014

Everyday Life on the Station

Some friends have been interested in everyday life facts :

How often do we get into town ?
How often does mail, milk, bread, groceries and vegetables get delivered ?
Power, water supplies ?


*  The mail comes once a week on a mail plane from Leigh Creek in SA, through Adelaide.

*  One of the stockmen drives into Quilpie, to the north, with a huge trailer once every 3 months for bulk supplies of all things... Groceries, chicken, fish, sausages, veggies, bread, milk. Fresh veggies are brought in from the Bellara Gas Centre each month. The stores supply is for staff here and the Outstation, about 20 people permanently and these numbers increase during Muster. 
All our beef is killed on the station, this is known as ' a killer.' Chicken or fish is served about once a week, all other meals are beef. Bread is stored in its own large chest freezer in bulk. Milk is bought in UHT cartons by the pallet. Fresh veggies are served early in the weeks, and just before the next pick up time we tend to get more dishes with canned veggies in them. Breakfast, smoko ( morning tea ), lunch and dinner are cooked by the wonderful cook who keeps us all well fed during the week. On weekends we raid the fridge for leftovers, or the 
stores sometimes to cook for ourselves.

*  Thargomindah, 250km to the east, is our closest town for basic supplies, haircuts, etc. it 
has what we would call a 'corner' shop, small library, petrol suppliers/auto mechanics and is
 about a 3 or 4 hour drive. 
At the moment we don't tend to drive off the station on weekends as we are happy to relax, go for walks, read, sew and for something novel cook. But I am becoming desperate for a haircut so a weekend in 'town' is on the cards.

* Power on the station is supplied via a generator. There are two which are alternated so every second day between 7 and 7.30am they are switched over and we lose power for a few minutes. We make sure on those days not to turn on computers and other technology in the schoolroom till that has occurred.

*  Water comes from two sources. Drinking water is pumped from the rain water tanks, when there is water in them. Currently we do not have a water tank attached to the house so we bring it up in a cooler from the kitchen a couple of times a week. All other water is pumped from Cooper Creek, and I have to say it takes a long time to get used to seeing it come out of the taps ! !


                                                    Our weekend visitor !

Posted by Lynne

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Friends Visit the Station

It was great to have friends, James and Kerry, visit us on the Station 
two weekends ago !

They arrived in their 4wd and caravan just as we were sending the boys off on the Friday afternoon and stayed till Monday morning. It was good to sit and chat with friends and share our new home and surroundings.

We took them on a tour of the home paddock and buildings and walked down along the river taking in the bird life. We drove out to look at the Aboriginal Standing Stones, the Aboriginal Burial site, and around a very small area of this huge station. 
They shared a meal down in the dining room, and a BBQ - station style, with all the station staff. We raided the kitchen and stores for quieter meals up at the house and generally had a real social time. 

Below is a photo of the smallest camp kitchen that is taken out to the stock camps. Notice on the back the old fold up beds used to put the swags on ! These are only taken out for longer camp outs, there are several types.  We are watching the station plane taking off to do a sweep of the river looking for cattle. He flew over us later as we walked the river edge.

The Cooper Creek is an iconic part of the Qld outback which we now call home for a while. It is very low at the moment. We frightened a few Brolgas before George could get a photo of them.

A view of the Aboriginal Standing Stones site which is quite different to other sites. We spent quite a long time there as it was so interesting !

 Thank you Kerry and James for visiting us ! It was so nice to have visitors !

Posted by Lynne