Sunday, August 17, 2014

Friends Visit the Station

It was great to have friends, James and Kerry, visit us on the Station 
two weekends ago !

They arrived in their 4wd and caravan just as we were sending the boys off on the Friday afternoon and stayed till Monday morning. It was good to sit and chat with friends and share our new home and surroundings.

We took them on a tour of the home paddock and buildings and walked down along the river taking in the bird life. We drove out to look at the Aboriginal Standing Stones, the Aboriginal Burial site, and around a very small area of this huge station. 
They shared a meal down in the dining room, and a BBQ - station style, with all the station staff. We raided the kitchen and stores for quieter meals up at the house and generally had a real social time. 

Below is a photo of the smallest camp kitchen that is taken out to the stock camps. Notice on the back the old fold up beds used to put the swags on ! These are only taken out for longer camp outs, there are several types.  We are watching the station plane taking off to do a sweep of the river looking for cattle. He flew over us later as we walked the river edge.

The Cooper Creek is an iconic part of the Qld outback which we now call home for a while. It is very low at the moment. We frightened a few Brolgas before George could get a photo of them.

A view of the Aboriginal Standing Stones site which is quite different to other sites. We spent quite a long time there as it was so interesting !

 Thank you Kerry and James for visiting us ! It was so nice to have visitors !

Posted by Lynne

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