Monday, November 24, 2014

Swim School in the Outback !

We have spent the last week at Swim Camp with the boys, from Monday to Thursday. 

We travelled to Eromanga our closest small town, 200kms away and camped in swags in the community hall. The town is known for being the furthest town from the sea, the home of the largest dinosaur find in the Southern Hemisphere and population about 30.

The swim camp was hosted by the local state school which has 2 students, a principal/teacher, a teaching assistant, a relief teacher, an admin staff and a pool. Very different to our one-teacher schools back home in NSW.
The small local community was very welcoming and supported the swim camp well. 

Fifteen children attended the swim school from preschoolers through to Yr 6. Apart from the two boys from the school there were children from surrounding properties who like us did school of the air. For all the children it was a great opportunity to mix with other children and follow a school routine which included playground breaks with school equipment and play spaces.
The children were split into three age groups and had 6 swimming lessons over the 4 days, did a life saving course, and attended school activities in between lessons. These varied from the LSODE lessons we had taken with us to Christmas craft. 

George and I were kept very busy during school time teaching, supervising, and George doing some general maintenance around the school grounds. Out of school time we were kept busy as we took the opportunity for the boys to have free swim time in the pool and 
back at the hall played cards and triominoes till bedtime.

We really enjoyed our time at swim camp !

Posted by Lynne

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Melbourne Cup Day Outback Style !!

Melbourne Cup Day on the station at Durham Downs had some of the normal everyday Cup day habits and a few extra ones.
Work for the day was declared ended at 1.30pm and everyone headed for the Kitchen and Social area, including the Woomanooka Outstation crew.
The typical Cup Sweeps, $2, $5 and $10, were first on the list with drinks and nibbles, then a light lunch while we watched the race in the kitchen/dining area. We weren't lucky at all but the boys were very lucky

After the race it was games outside and the first was egg throwing. Once finished the younger ones had egg fights ... And went through a lot of eggs ! 

Here is George and I having a go at egg throwing, we did quite well !!

Next the music was turned up, and some had a dance. Kim is always up for a dance !

There was even time for swimming in the Cooper Creek, hanging out on the pontoon larking around and some knee boarding and water skiing, before dinner !




Overall, it was a great way to spend a Melbourne Cup day !!

Posted by Lynne

Monday, November 3, 2014

Out on the Station: Searching for the Aboriginal Cave Art !

The Station, like many, has a wonderful history !
In previous posts we have toured the station to see the Aboriginal Standing Stones and the Aboriginal Burial Ground. 
The station is also part of the Kidman Heritage, and in previous posts we have also visited the old cattle yards and the old Karmona Homestead.
This day we went in search of some caves which had Aboriginal art !

Norman takes George, Kim and I out to see the caves.

While trying to find the caves we saw another side to the station, hill country.

We locked the 4wd hubs and headed up a hill with a communication tower to get a 360 degree view !

A creek with a pool of water ... rare find !

Finally we found the caves and were rewarded with the cave art we'd been told about.


A panoramic view of the hills on this side of the station.

Posted by Lynne

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lake Houdraman !

Lake Houdraman was a wonderful find ! 
It is 2 kms to the north of Quilpie, approximately 320kms north east of the station, and has become our favourite stopover going north to Charleville and Longreach. It is actually part of Wanco Station but is open to the public for freedom camping. The lake was great for a swim, a walk, to relax, and for bird spotting, which we did a lot of.
Once more pictures, taken by George, tell a thousand words !


Blue Kingfisher
He was a delight to watch



Yellow Spotted Goanna

An amazing Redgum

Landscapes at Lake Houdraman 

Posted by Lynne