Monday, November 3, 2014

Out on the Station: Searching for the Aboriginal Cave Art !

The Station, like many, has a wonderful history !
In previous posts we have toured the station to see the Aboriginal Standing Stones and the Aboriginal Burial Ground. 
The station is also part of the Kidman Heritage, and in previous posts we have also visited the old cattle yards and the old Karmona Homestead.
This day we went in search of some caves which had Aboriginal art !

Norman takes George, Kim and I out to see the caves.

While trying to find the caves we saw another side to the station, hill country.

We locked the 4wd hubs and headed up a hill with a communication tower to get a 360 degree view !

A creek with a pool of water ... rare find !

Finally we found the caves and were rewarded with the cave art we'd been told about.


A panoramic view of the hills on this side of the station.

Posted by Lynne

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