Monday, December 15, 2014

Severe Storms on the Station !

We have had a lot of storms the last month or so but that elusive rain still has not really happened !

The photo below shows the dark cloud built up around us but the rain is not falling anywhere near the station. Everything looks near in photos but the viewing distances in the vast outback are immense. Though amazing to view it is heartbreaking for station people to watch this on a weekly basis.

The country is so dry that when the severe winds pick up so does all the surrounding soil or 'red dirt'. This can create severe dust storms, which we have driven quickly away from in the past at Hillston in south west NSW, but we have not experienced here yet. We have experienced numerous smaller ones regularly which often will move sand across the schoolroom steps and pathways only to move them off again days later.

During one storm a branch came down from a tree onto the cook's house over the bedrooms. She fortunately wasn't in it otherwise she would have been given a fright. Only minor damage to the guttering. The young ringers had a great time with the chain saw the next morning

Posted by Lynne

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