Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Easter Bunny Arrives on the Mail Plane !

Our mail plane arrives once a week with mail and supplies of all different kinds from Leigh Creek in South Australia. It is always an exciting day for everyone at the station especially the boys.
The Wednesday before Easter was a particularly special day as the mail plane held a surprise visitor !
The boys recieved a large Easter bunny chocloate and all the adults who met the plane an easter egg. ( which melted in our hands before they left.)

Will, our nearly 6 year old was very excited.

George being teased by the Easter bunny when receiving an egg.
The boys and our station cooks.

There were other surprises on board as supplies for Will's 6th birthday party also arrived in two big boxes from Spotlight ... Mexican hats, piƱata, streamers, decorations etc.

By Lynne

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