Friday, June 12, 2015

Celebrating a Birthday in an Outback Schoolroom !

 Well ... things are definitely different in an outback schoolroom !
Especially when it's the Home Tutor/govies birthday !
The day began with phone calls from my girls and grandchildren ! 
Then the boys arrived with their mum, our boss, with handmade cards and birthday wishes.
 In the middle of the first session George, my husband, appeared and he and the boys stopped to give me wrapped chocolate bars !
 Smoko was scones. 
Then on heading down to lunch I discovered our boss, the boys' mum, and the boys and George all waiting at the 4wd ... we were going on a picnic on the banks of The Cooper, a spot we had not been to before. 
What a great surprise !
We had billy tea, cornbeef sandwiches, carrot cake birthday cake, fruit and the boys cooked marshmallows over the fire.
 An hour and a half later we headed back into the schoolroom for a somewhat relaxed last hour. 
Dinner ... Our cook served a meal she knew I liked, shepherds pie and a profitjers,with chocolate cream, tower and more birthday wishes. 
I ended the night reading all our friends and family's birthday wishes ! 
Definitely a wonderfully different way to spend my birthday ! !

By Lynne

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