Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Townsville - A Trip into the Hinterland.

A day was spent driving the windy, narrow steep road to Paluma and Paluma National Park. There was almost 200 bends in 18kms to finish 3000ft up at the town of Paluma. Here, to our surprise, not only did we gain views of the surrounding coastline but were treated to a private history talk about the surrounding area. The older gentleman was a fountain of knowledge. Turns out the only time the historical society hall is open is Tuesdays 9 till 1pm and that was the day we accidentally chose to go.

 On our return we stopped at Little Crystal Creek and Big Crystal Creeks in the park. Both natural swimming holes were totally different. 
Little Crystal Creek was a narrow creek which wound through a rocky area and under a bridge. The swimming hole was deceptively deep and locals were jumping in from a high rocky outbreak.

Big Crystal Creek was a wide open area accessed via a walk over a low hill. I was elated to find it had a fairly easy access for me. The water at both was crystal clear and perfect for swimming. Next time we will bring the van and stay in the park for a few days !

By Lynne

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