Well it was time to give our wandering away and head into our next station to teach for the 4 weeks of November.
We spent some time catching up with friends in Longreach and at LSODE and restocking before heading out. We chose to drive into the station the long way round, via Barcaldine and Aramac, as this was all bitumen and was the safest route for our caravan until we return home and complete some more modifications to its underbody.
We spent some time sightseeing in Barcaldine and Aramac on the way as we were not due to arrive until 5.30pm. They had been in town for the week, at Yr 6 camp and Graduation.
Aramac provided a surprise in the way of a small Tramway Museum and showed the amazing determination of a country town. The town in the late 1800's had hoped to become a railway town but was passed over. Not to be outdone they decided to build their own tramway. This tramway was opened in 1913 using funds raised by the town, a loan from the state and .... Over time the town had borrowed over $250 000 to build and run the tramway. To us, this story was amazing and was another of the examples on our trip of Aussie ingenuity and determination in the face of adversity.
The original RN28 rail motor, known as ' Aunt Emma,' was purchased from England along with a carriage in 1911. This carriage, built in 1866 in England, is now the "oldest surviving railway carriage" in Qld. On closure of the tramway in 1975 it cost the town a further $250 000 + to have the tramway removed.
Above: the day it was opened.
Below: the oldest surviving railway carriage in Qld
Photo of the road into the station and quite a few kangaroos about. These two sat up and allowed me to take a great photo. Quite a few Reds which we havent seen in ages. Usually Eastern Greys.
We were first to arrive at the station so while we waited we had some fruit and a drink.
Our first night on the station and a beautiful sunset. The house will have sunrise at the front and sunset at the back.
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