Thursday, March 19, 2015

Station Work Changes For George !

On our return to the station this year we were presented with an option to alter George's employment after we found ourselves well organised and only had two children in the schoolroom. George was offered the opportunity to do some handyman work and gardening while continuing to do a few hours in the classroom with the boys. This is a wonderful opportunity to get some experience in other work, and will look good on a resume while we travel. 

We took the opportunity of a new year to change the schoolroom around. We are very happy with the change and enjoying life in the schoolroom.

George is enjoying playing with 'big boy's toys' and has been shown how to use a tractor.

George uses the four wheeler and trailer to move around the station while upkeeping the lawns and gardens.  

Sometimes George picks up a couple of hitch hikers when the traffic is low.  

By Lynne

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