Thought I would share some of the photos we've been taking on the station.
These photos, generally taken close to the homestead, are of some of the wildlife.
This little gecko is found around the buildings in the area. We have one that moves around on the outside of our loungeroom window at night catching insects that are attracted to the light from inside our big picture window.
A little brown tree frog found in moist wet areas like showers and toilets.
A Wedge Tail Eagle took flight from the road and perched safely in the tree until
we passed by.
Pelicans are attracted to the inland river, Cooper Creek, that flows through the station.
In the early days when the explorers travelled across the landand named the river it seemed to be a mere creek. Little did they know thatwhen it rains in the Channel Countryit becomes a river that can cover the low surrounding area with multiple tributaries that flow eventually into Lake Eyre.
Corellas tend to circle above from the river to the main house and schoolhouse, flying in large flocks, of an afternoon. Often there are so many that they cause serious damage to the trees. We watch them from the loungeroom window.
The horses in the homestead yard. The photo was taken in the afternoon light.
By Lynne
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