Saturday, September 19, 2009

Days 49- 51(Thurs17/9 - Sat19/9)

Hi all,
Thursday: Left Coober Pedy safely and began the drive south to Port Augusta. We think that Coober Pedy may have almost had it's yearly rainfall of 5 inches in one night. We are continuing to travel through desert country or what they call Arid Lands and the rain overnight has left standing water over the gibber plains. Absolutely amazing to see. We have been travelling at a good time of year, not counting the heat, as it is Spring and there have been wildflowers to be seen in each area.We have travelled 8ooo km's and about 5000 of that through arid lands.
We stayed the night in Lake Hart rest stop which was a salt lake.We had front row seats in our bus for the sunset and sunrise, and great company once more.George walked the lake during the early evening and we all walked over the lake on Friday morning before leaving. There was evidence on the lake of this being a salt mine in the past.
Friday :We continued on our way with more of the same beautiful country - gibber and low salt bush scrub,salt lakes and water laying on the gibber.The colour changes constantly if your inclined to look. We arrived in Port Augusta and have spent our time housekeeping and relaxing. We leave tomorrow to make our way down to Adeleide via Port Pirie and the Clare Valley.
Look after yourselves.
Love Lynne

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