Thursday, September 24, 2009

Days 52- 53(Sun 20/9 - Mon 21/9)

Sunday arrived.Before leaving Port Augusta we climbed the Water Tower Lookout(I was a little slow and the tower moved a little in the winds)for great 360 degree views of the area. These included the Flinders Ranges and the coastline. We also visited the Info. Centre and bought a few souvenirs for family.
We then drove down the coast to Port Pirie(some lovely old buildings,including one with a Widow's Walk) and onto Crystal Castle where we turned inland to drive through to the Clare Valley area where we planned to visit an old friend.
"What a difference a day makes ..." came to mind as we were now surrounded by storm clouds, lightening and rain off and on all day, and the next. We raced to find our winter clothes once more as the temps plunged to 15 degrees. The countryside was surreal as it resembled English green fields with fat woolly sheep and cows - not what we're used to at home or anywhere on this trip. We have now begun to travel through pastoral country and the fields are full of different grain crops including canola, wheat and barley and the towns have huge silos and grain storage areas. We are also travelling through vineyard country. We stayed the night at a friend's place, who is busy pruning her grapevines. It was great to catch up over dinner,and Jess enjoyed the company of another teenage girl,the dogs and a ride on a horse while we helped feed the other horses. Our friend is also setting up a stud farm. It was a great break in our travels in the bus.
Monday arrived and we continued our drive through similar country to Adelaide. As the day moved on the storm clouds, thunder and lightening grew worse. We arrived at the outskirts of Adelaide and our first traffic and lights in 7 weeks and it bucketed down. The Torrens River runs behind the C'van park we're staying in, in the middle of Adelaide, and it rose quite high in the gorge. Enough to cover the walking and bicycle paths and the crossing path. We were told rain is predicted all week but we'll do our best to see it all!

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