Wednesday, September 29, 2010

KL Early Days yet !!

Hi all,
Sorry, I have been a bit slow getting to the Blog! But we have not stopped since our arrival in KL and now it is Wednesday morning.

We left Sydney airport at 2pm and arrived in KL after 8pm. Reached the hotel at about 10pm where we were met by Baskin, the gentleman that manages the orphanage. There was some confusion over our room bookings but finally headed up to the rooms only to find they were still not right. On our way back down to correct this we had our next visitor, Lisa our sponsor and good friend. I won't continue on suffice to say it became a very late night by the time we unpacked clothes and organised our teaching gear !!

Tuesday arrived and we were taken to The Pusat at 9.30am expecting to visit the children's schools so we were all dressed neatly ready to go. Unfortunately this didn't happen. Instead we spent a very busy day at the home which is spread over 3 sites- which in Australian terms equates to 3 small home sites/ terraces. These house about 140 children plus carer's.We spent the day with the children who do not attend school. They are children with severe autism, down's syndrome, cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. We left the home at 6pm. Not sure who was the more exhausted us or the adults there.

Will post more later as we are now off to the Home. Time is am !! Photos were taken from our hotel room. Jessica and Tracey's room faces the front of the Hotel.

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