Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our trip to Kuala Lumpa

Well, we had our 2nd and last meeting with Lisa our sponsor/facilitator for our visit to the 'Pusat' in KL. We leave for Malaysia on Monday week and are beginning to get excited.
There will be so much to do when we arrive. We are touring the children's schools on Tuesday, both State schools and special needs schools. We are also visiting with one particular Special Needs teacher and her class who is keen to meet with us.
Other days will be spent at the Home with teaching staff developing some simple Literacy, Numeracy, communication, Gross and Fine motor programs and livening up the rooms.
George will be sourcing info from Local authorities for licensing of 'sheltered workshops', and helping to organise a charity concert for next year when we return.
.... And yes we will be doing the tourist thing as well!!! Lisa, our sponsor, will be taking us on some day trips -Malacha, Batu Caves, the Night Markets, Chinatown etc.

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