Thursday, September 30, 2010


Photos include pictures of the mall -the 1st photos, posted on Tuesday,of the view from our window were of this area. We are surrounded by huge malls. This particular area above is lined both sides by eateries which spill out onto the street. Our friend Lisa owns one of these- Thai Express. She has been our guide and driver thankfully.

Today was spent holding workshops for those who will be running the Gross Motor and Fine Motor Programs we are introducing. Believe it or not this will be done by their Physiotherapists who spend their day treating the many children with cerebral palsy. These men and women are doing an amazing job!! There are a few children who were unable to move at all, but as a result of their dedicated therapy twice a day are now able to use their upper limbs to drag themselves around. Others are beginning to open their hands from a clenched fist when encouraged. They seem keen to be involved in other ways at The Home.

For those of you that know me and my passion for special needs you will know I really do explain things too quickly to adults. For any parent that has been to my workshops at home it is full on, so you could imagine what it has been like today for these wonderful people.....ARRRR ! The language difficulty- Tamil and Bahasa Malay as well as English, the non -teaching background. The culture means they are a quiet, reserved, respectful people and then there is ME ! It has been a great day. We have given them a crash course on how the brain processes information, children's learning difficulties within a learning environment, methodology in general,teaching strategies and programming. We even had a parent, not connected with the home, hear about the workshops and ask to attend. Tomorrow I will be presenting workshops in Literacy and Numeracy to teaching staff as well.

Next week is still to be decided after we meet with The Home's trustees, committee, and volunteers on Saturday. Yesterday we felt there wasn't much to do next week but after today I am sure there is 'much' to do !!! The Physiotherapists have requested we demonstrate our Gross Motor and Fine Motor programs each day showing them how to manage, organise and encourage the childrens' participation. I am sure after tomorrow the Teachers will want the same !!!

PS we were going out to buy a baby gym tonight but miraculously one was in their donation box today!! We had assessed the children with Cerebral palsy yesterday and believed a few may be capable of tracking and grasping at objects and wanted just this.God is good!!! even better two children did just what we thought they would.
We are now off to Toys r Us to buy equipment !!!

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