Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Wonderful Opportunity to Fly !

Shortly before I returned to Sydney George and I had the opportunity to go up in the station 6 seater plane with the station pilot, Hari. He was taking the plane to Windorah with passengers who had to connect with a flight from there and offered us a chance to see the station and local region from the air.
The flight virtually followed the path of the Cooper Creek and it's Channel Country to the north of the station. The country is very dry and the drought is taking its toll on the surrounding country. The Cooper Creek was a series of standing strips of water cut off from each other.

Durham Downs Station


  The town of Windorah

 Windorah Airport

 Views  from the Flight

Posted by Lynne


Kerry said...

good to hear from you guys, hope all is well with the whole family.

George and Lynne said...

Hi Kerry and James, yes we are all well. But I have just returned with Jess after a rushed trip home to Sydney to say 'goodbye' to my Dad and attend his funeral. George stayed as he had to take the boys to Longreach for school. Hope you are both well after your return home.