Friday, September 26, 2014

Innaminka for the Weekend

On the last weekend in August we had another visit from good friends John and Gaye, from the Sydney Wanderers chapter of the CMCA. They were determined to see Innaminka while they were here, and it just happened that the Innaminka Picnic Races and Gymkana were on the same weekend.
John and Gaye arrived Friday afternoon. After a quick tour of the station buildings and a walk down to the Cooper River we joined everyone for a station BBQ dinner.

On Saturday we headed out to Innaminka which is across the border into South Australia. At times the dirt roads were very rough and shook our poor bus till it felt like a washboard, but we arrived safely in time for the Picnic Races. There was 5 races with 3 riders in each. The main race was the Innaminka Cup which was a Calcutta in which the horses were auctioned off. All proceeds on the day went to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. It was an interesting experience as the photos below show.

On the Sunday the three boys we teach and their mum Michelle all competed in the Innaminka Gymkana with great results. It was my first Gymkana and I found it very interesting with barrel races, pole bending, flag races and others I can't remember the names of. George took some excellent shots of  the events, so I will leave you to feel some of the excitement through them.

Posted by Lynne

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