Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Dig Tree

On our way home from the Innaminka Picnic Races and Gymkana we decided that while we were out this way, and as our bus was already being shaken up considerably, we might as well take the detour to the Dig Tree !
For those of you who are not well versed in Australian history, this is the place where the infamous Burke and Wills expedition came to its fatal ironic conclusion. Burke, Wills and King having missed catching up with the others in their expedition by hours and not understanding the message left for them about supplies, dwindled to death in the harsh Australian desert.

The Dig Tree is the site of Camp 65, the second depot camp, where the supply camp waited 4 months for Burke, Wills and King's return. They returned on the afternoon of Sunday, 21st April1861 to find the camp empty. The supply camp party had left that morning, missing them by only hours.


The blaze showing B-LXV (Burke, Camp 65) is still visible. The other blazes, the Dig blaze and Date have overgrown


The Face Tree is 30 metres from the Dig Tree it has a carving of Burke's face. It was carved by John Dick and his wife Minnie Ghyn Thompson in November 1898.


Views along the Cooper Creek ! We were really wishing we had time to camp overnight as it was a beautiful spot, but we had to be in the schoolroom in the morning.

Posted by Lynne

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