Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 10

Friday saw us up early for a 7.30 am pick-up. We cruised out to Lady Mugrave Island and Coral lagoon across open sea that was very rough. It took 2 hours and many people were sick.
The area itself is the southern most section of the Barrier Reef. The coral cay is 14ha, with a 1292 ha surrounding reef- one third is the lagoon that we could snorkel, scuba dive and view through a glass bottom boat. Between us we did all 3. Over the last 2 days we have seen all types of reef fish- big and small, rays, small sharks,sea anenomes, sponges, sea cucumbers, dolphins,shearwater birds,noddies, terns and the best of all quite a few different sea turtles!! The island itself is unique and home to rare plants seen only there, one being the Pisonia tree.
It was a great experience!! Make sure you look at the photos posted on the link on the side bar.


Tracey said...

Sounds like all is going well, enjoying reading the blog. Have a question for you, but need you to call or e-mail so I can ask privately! Nothing to stress about, but you will want to give an answer.

akerr said...

Very envious Jess! The snorkeling looks awesome. Looks like you're all having a great time... Love the blog.. Take care all!