Saturday, August 29, 2009

We Made It !!

Hi all !
We have arrived in Alice and have made excellent time across the Barkley Hwy and down the Sturt(1105 km's in 3 days), arriving a day earlier than expected. The 'bus and us' travelled well for several reasons; flat road(finally), slightly cooler travel due to us leaving earlier in the day,new air con belt allowing us to use it for last hour of day.
It is taking bus ages to cool down inside, but thats ok as we live outside anyway till it gets too cool later in the evening. Reason?? for those that don't know - our bus is a front engine so we're sitting on it, then the exhaust runs length of bus heating the whole interior. Haven't noticed it too much before as haven't travelled in this type of heat before.
But all is good!! Feel sorry for those who haven't had the opportunity to do this yet (it's our 2nd time round). It is a great experience, even given the long distances! Have met quite a few families, generally with younger children of pre-school and primary age.

Will continue Blog Diary later today. Jessica has just got up and it's her 14th Birthday today!!

Love Lynne

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