Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 11

Saturday, a later start and this time we had to pack up camp and drive as there was no pick-up service. We booked a LARC tour and have now used up 1 lot of our Rudd money!
A LARC is a Lighter Amphibious Re-supply Cargo boat. That means it can travel on land and water. It has the only access to the Bustard Head Lighthouse. This was opened in 1868 and the light was shipped from England. The light was switched to electricity in 1986 and was automated, this means there was no longer any need for a Light house Keeper. The light house and buildings were then vandalised and eventually destroyed as vandals set fire to the kitchen and wrecked the walls and ceilings till there was only the frame left.One of the old Light House Keepers visited and was apalled. He and his wife fought the Parks and Wildlife( who wanted to bulldoze all) for Lease of property and have restored it. Money from the LARC Tours and sale of books helps them.
The tour was good fun the duck switched from travel on the beach to the water, we saw Sea Eagles, cattle on the beach, sting rays, fish etc. George and Jess went sand toboganning, which finished in the water, and George won the comp for longest ride.
Another busy day.

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