Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 27 (Monday24th)

We spent the morning doing the obligatory shopping and fuelled up ready to leave tomorrow. I have begun to fear eating and drinking, and that includes the bus's drinking!! We have a budget of $100 a day but both food and fuel is more expensive out here. Fuel in the coming weeks will range from $1.60 to $1.80, possibly as high as $2, and a trip to Mt Isa woolworths for a small shop this morning cost $182.This is a mining community and miners can earn up to $2/3000 a week but we have heard that those servicing them earn about $20 - $25 an hour and therefore struggle with the prices. But as I keep saying all's good,I just thought some might be interested in these everday issues.

The afternoon was spent at the Riversleigh Dinosaur Fossil Collection which included a tour of the laboratories where they slowly separate the bones from the rock/soil using a vinegar solution - very potent! and then identify them. Interesting but smelly work. This area and Winton are the richest areas for dinosaur finds and both have been in the news in recent months for their latest amazing archaelogical finds.


Tracey Kent said...

Looks like you're having a brilliant time. Tracey xx

Tracey Kent said...
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