Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 9

Travelled to the Town of 1770 today. Captain James Cook landed here in 1770 and named the town this. Arrived early, paid for our 2 day trips( which used up 1 lot of our Rudd money) and was able to finally do the washing- 10 days worth!! Have walked the beach to the point. George and Jess searching for crabs, marine worms, sea snails, small fish. We even saw some dolphins in the lagoon.
Jessica got stuck into some school work as tomorrow is a day off for her. We embark on a cruise to Lady Musgrave Island to snorkel, scuba dive etc at 7.30 am and dock again at 5pm. On Saturday we do a Duck tour up the coast to a Lighthouse which is only accessible this way. Will post photos and then you'll understand.

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