Sunday, August 23, 2009

Previous post

Have updated last post and placed our Itinerary on the end of it if you want to know where we're heading. Sorry for confusion!
Also , have added a link to videos so you can see some of these. 1st is George sandboarding. Will add them playing musical fence soon, so keep checking!!

Love Lynne, George and Jess

(for those of you with access to Jessica's, she has finally written hers and sorted out her comments function so have a look and excite her by commenting!)

1 comment:

Russ_Woodcock said...

Hi George & Lynne & Jess.
Just following along with your adventures. Looks like you are having a great time and seeing heaps of this wide brown land.
The guys from Tuesday night bible study all say Hi, and the news from there is that Tony & Marie are engaged!
Any way hope you continue to enjoy Aus.
Love & Blessings, Russell & Jo.