Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 16 : Thursday

Moved on, finally heading west.

But first a final look at the coast,we travelled down the coastal loop back into Rockhampton. The road hugs the sea and affords excellent views of the beaches, which by the way are not like ours - no surf. Once you reach the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef in Agnes Waters/1770 there are no more surf beaches because the outer reef stops the rolling swell.
We took our last look at water and green vegetation, before heading inland,at Emu Park. Here we viewed The Singing Ship but was a little disappointed. When last here in 2001, on our trip back from Cape Tribulation, the sounds were much clearer and louder. New growth in the small town meant new locals had complained about the "noise" and they toned it down only to have continued complaints and further toning down of the resonators.This day was windy but the musical sounds were still difficult to hear. (It is quite possible that when word gets around tourism to the small town may be affected as it is out of Rocky.)

We had hoped to drive to Sapphire this day but stopped short in Emerald. The temperatures have risen to the low 30's and the travel was hot after the lower temps.This worked out well as there are a couple of things to see here!!

Love Lynne

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Czender Clan,
Sounds like you are having a great time- I wish I was there with you!!!
Miss you Lynne, xoxox (Michelle)